Saturday, March 07, 2015

Saturday Summary: An Interesting Week in Las Vegas

Jalal (Glory), 6 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 171 BE - Saturday, March 7, 2015 about 12:50 pm Pacific Standard Time

It's been an interesting and somewhat stressful week here in Las Vegas. I managed to accomplish some of my goals, but not all of them. I got the refrigerator and the freezer reorganized. When I reorganized them Thursday and Friday, I thought I would make the job a week goal. However, after thinking about it, I have decided to stay with the monthly reorganization of both the refrigerator and the freezer.

I still have a lot of housework to do this month. Because I can only stand on my feet for a certain amount of time before I have to sit down it takes me longer to do housework then it used to. I think that is normal because I remember my mother and grandmother slowing in that area as they aged. I always said getting old wasn't for wimps. Anyway I can do some stuff like cleaning off the desk or the side stand next to the couch while I am sitting down.

This week I also managed to submit a story to a contest. The story was shorter then I wanted it, but I did submit it. This coming week I have to watch the word count to make sure any story I write is longer then 1,000 words. One of my weekly goals is to write a short story of 1,000 plus words each week. I can write between housework chores if I can pull myself away from the story, poem, or blog entry I am working on. Blog entries and poems usually are not a problem, but pulling myself away from a story is difficult because I want to finish it in one setting.

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