Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: Sunday Morning in Las Vegas

Jamal (Beauty), 2 Bahá (Splendour), 172 BE - Sunday, March 22, 2015 about 10:02 am Pacific Daylight Time

A bird intoning
Gratitude and thanksgiving
For another day of life

It is Sunday morning here in Las Vegas. I have recited my morning prayers. I have finished my breakfast, but have not finished off the carafe of coffee. I also responded to a blog prompt from one of the blog groups. I plan on attending a spiritual service at the Baha'i Center this afternoon. Right now I am sitting at my computer listening to a bird sing, sipping a cup of hot coffee, and trying to decide if it is worth taking the trash to the alley just to see if the tire on my car is flat. Fortunately, a friend is picking me up and taking me to the spiritual service this afternoon.

Sunday decisions
are easier when sipping
a hot cup of joe.

My sinuses are clogged this morning, but I am not closing the door. It is too nice a day to have the door closed. It is too nice a day to worry about whether of not my tire is flat. It is too nice a day It is too nice a day to do anything except read the scriptures, compose poetry, and socialize. I will deal with the car and the tire on Monday morning when I to focus on mundane things like tires, trash, and going to the grocery store or dealing with other business matters.

On Sunday morning
my neighborhood moves slowly
the birds are singing.

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