Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday Summary: I Need New Tires

Jalal (Glory), 13 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 171 BE - Saturday, March 14, 2015 about 3:20 pm Pacific Daylight Time

I went to Discount Tires this week to have air put in my tires. The young man who aired the tires also inspected the tires and informed me that there were cracks in the sides, which means I will have to purchase tires sometime withing the next two or three months. I already knew I would have to get tires this year because I had the two front tires fixed last year and have had to watch the air in the tires this year.

I will get the tires at Discount Tires because that is where I always purchase new tires. I had planned on November or December, but the cracks in the sides have changes that. Since I cannot qualify for a credit card or a payday loan (I have tried both) I will have to figure out how to get the money. I suppose I could go into a depression over this, but that is not going to help me find a solution to the problem. Instead of going into a depression I am going to put the issue in God's hands.

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