Monday, February 02, 2015

Meditation Monday: Groundhog Day

Kamal (Perfection), 15 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Monday, February 2, 2015 about 4:44 pm Pacific Standard Time

Punxsutawney Phil, the official prognosticator of spring, saw his shadow today. Another six weeks of winter with everything that goes with it. I am tired of winter! I am tired of the cold penetrating my bones. I am tired of wearing four or five layers of clothing just to keep warm. I am looking forward to spring and my shadow is looking forward to spring. I want to go outside, look up at Mount Charleston and smile because the mountain is not covered by snow.

the white mountain crest
glistens in sunsets gold rays
where is the green grass

I made soup again today because that is the only food that warms me up enough to get through the chilly desert days and cold nights. I will be glad when I can put my sweaters away (if I can find a place to store them in this apartment) and get out the few spring and summer clothes that I have. I thin my shadow and I will go clothes shopping at some of the second hand stores this spring to see if we can find something cool and comfortable to wear. I know that the arrival of spring means summer is coming, but I will deal with summer when it gets here.

six more cloudy weeks
filled with chilly rain and wind
I want warm weather

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