Sunday, February 01, 2015

Spiritual Sunday: At the Beginning of a New Month

Jamal (Beauty), 14 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Sunday, February 1, 2015 about 2:32 pm Pacific Standard Time

At the beginning of a new month I sat in my studio apartment listening to the music echoing through the walls. The neighbor is playing his music, which is not spiritual or religious. I am considering getting earplugs so that I do not have to listen to it on Sunday. The music does not enhance or encourage a spiritual feeling. If I could afford something better then I would move, but living on a fixed income I am lucky to afford this place. As it is I am having difficulty paying the power bill.

That is enough complaining especially when it does not change my situation. The only thing I can do is pray and work. I can pray for my neighbor and I can work to increase my income. Eventually my situation will change, but it will not change as long as I continue to complain about it. At 68, I know that nothing stays the same. I know that God will open the way to a better life. I know that I am in this location and situation for a reason; I may not know the reason at this time, but God will reveal it to me as the days, the months, and the year advances.

At the beginning of a new month, I can feel a change approaching. I know that when I feel this way that something in my life has changed. Sometimes I do not know what that change is immediately. Sometimes I can see the change, but this time it is concealed from my eyes. I have to practice faith knowing that my situation is in God's hands and that God will take care of me.

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