Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Tuesday's Topic: Rearranging Cabinets

Fiḍal (Grace), 16 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Tuesday, February 3, 2015 about Sunset Pacific Standard Time

I have to rearrange my Cabinets again. The last time I rearranged them I moved everything from the cabinets below the sink because it was difficult to get to t he canned goods. This time, when I wash them out, I will put the paper goods down there. The cabinets in the bathroom are difficult for me to reach without getting up on a stool so I am moving the paper towels and toilet paper to the cabinets below the sink. It is easier for me to bend down and get them then to climb on a stool and then reach above my head to retrieve those items.

I still have to find a place for my cookware, which is setting on top of the stove. I have no idea where I will put those items. If I leave them on top of the stove then I have to move them each time I want to cook something. This apartment is small, almost too small, but I cannot afford anything else. As it is I can barely afford this one without having difficulty paying some of the bills. I have to figure out how to do this, I know if I just work and pray then something will open up or the money will come. I have to increase my income and that is going slowly.

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