Thursday, February 05, 2015

Thankful Thursday: The first Thankful Thursday in February 2015

Istijlal (Majesty), 18 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Thursday, February 5, 2015 about 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

Today I am thankful...

01. ...that my checking account is not overdrawn.

02, ...for the walnut and maple pancake mix a friend sent me for Christmas. I fixed myself two of the hotcakes this morning for breakfast with an egg. I have enough left over for breakfast on Friday or Saturday.

03. ...that I remembered to get a small bag of flour when I went grocery shopping yesterday. I can now fix fried eggplant properly. The last time I fixed it I did not have the flower to bread it so it did not turn out the way it should.

04. ...for the sale on Folgers' coffee that Smith's Food and Drug had yesterday. I was able to purchase a container of my favorite dark roast for less then normal when I went grocery shopping on Wednesday.

05. ...that I am now able to pay my rent online, which means I do not have to go to the bank or leave the house on the third of each month unless I want to.

06. ...for the check I received through the mail yesterday because it helped me purchase some much needed items.
07. ...that I was able get some snack items (candy and sweets) from one of the food pantries. I have enough to keep my sweet tooth happy for a while so I do not have to spend money on snack items.

08. ...for the jugs of apple juice I have in the refrigerator because now I do not have to purchase juice for a while. This means I can spend money on meat, vegetables, eggs, and other staples.

09. ...that I only have to have the warm air on for a little while in the morning to warm up the house a bit after I get up.

10. ...for the beautiful sunshiny afternoon because it will be warm when I take the trash to the alley.

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