Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday's Topic: Getting Lost in the Supermarket Parking Lot

Fiḍal (Grace), 9 Sulṭán (Sovereignty), 171 BE - Tuesday, January 27, 2015 about 4:33 pm Pacific Standard Time

I went to the supermarket today to pick up my eye drop prescription. I figured while I was in there I would purchase a few items to make stew. I got my prescription and my grocery item. I left the store to go to my car that is when I realized I forgot where I parked my car. I walked down the lanes in the parking lot looking for my car. I finally found it and then realized how I had forgotten where I parked it.

When I parked the car, I saw a shopping cart in another lane so I went over to get it. I got the cart and went into the store. Because I walked up a different lane to get into the store, I thought I parked in a different lane. I will be more careful from now on because it is scary to lose your car in a parking lot. True the experience brought back memories from my childhood. I remembered a grand uncle who was always losing his car. When he lost his car he went to the police station and the found it for him. That was a long time ago in a small town and in another state.

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