Sunday, January 04, 2015

2015 Off to a good start

Jamal (Beauty), 5 Sharaf (Honor), 171 BE - Sunday, January 4, 2015 about 4:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

I have decided to forget the New Year's resolutions and make a To Do List instead. That way I can check off each item off as it is accomplished. I have worried and fretted over the past five or six days about my New Year's resolutions for 2015. I am procrastinating so rather then make the resolutions I am writing To Do List and then checking the items off as I accomplish them.

There are a few items on the list that will take a few weeks to complete, but at least I have a  plan and an approach to solving my some of my problems. I have to stop procrastinating. I have to stop worrying because worrying causes stress and stress causes me to forget things. It also causes me to avoid opening mail that I need to read immediately upon receiving it.

I will make another post later with some of the items on my To Do List. I finished the To Do List for dealing with the items in my port. I now have to work on doing something around the house. I know that I can do whatever I set my mind on, sometimes I have to force myself do what I need to do.

Twenty Fifteen is off to a good start. I have the momentum going and I have to keep up the effort in order to accomplish something. I also have to say prayers because I need spiritual help to make myself do things and to take action.

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