Monday, January 12, 2015

A Turkey Burger Afternoon

Kamal (Perfection), 13 Sharaf (Honor), 171 BE - Monday, January 12, 2015 about 3:34 pm Pacific Standard Time

I have a package of turkey burgers in the freezer, which I opened when I got home about 11:30 am. I cooked two of them, ate it, and then had to go out again. I have the other one waiting for me to make a sandwich. I need the protein because I spent the morning driving all over Las Vegas. I still have to go out again tomorrow because I have to deposit a check.

I went to the food bank this morning where I received a box of canned goods. I have not checked everything, but I do know one of the cans is pink salmon. I think I will fix that in the morning with some eggs and maybe a green salad. I also got a bag of frozen chicken part which I put in the freezer when I returned home.

I have to reorganize my freezer either on Wednesday or Thursday. It depends on when I go to the bank with the check I received through the mail today. I should go to the bank in the morning after I transfer some money from my savings account. I have a bill that I need to pay ASAP, but I am not sure if I have enough money because I am expecting something else to come out of the account this week. I will fix the other turkey burger and then see how much money I have to work with for the rest of the month.

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