Thursday, July 03, 2014

Thankful Thursday: July 3, 2014

Istijlál (Majesty), 11 Raḥmat (Mercy), 171 BE - Thursday, July 3, 2014 about 5:56 pm Pacific Daylight Time

 Today I am thankful...

01. ...for Canada Dry Ginger Ale because it was my Grandma Mary's favorite and every time I drink it I remember Grandma.

02. ...that I can purchase Ginger Ale in 16 oz. bottles because they are easier for me to carry, store, and drink.

03. ...for fireworks on the 4th of July because it brings back memories from my childhood.

04. ...that I can purchase individual watermelons because they are easier for me to carry, store, and eat.

05. ...for English Black tea because it makes good hot tea and iced tea.

06. ...that I have a container in the bathroom to keep an extra roll of toilet paper because then I know when to go to the store to purchase more. I live in a studio apartment and their is not a very much storage that I can reach easily.

07. ...for the news-feed on because it reminds me to post my weekly goals update.

08. ...that tomorrow (Friday) is the 4th of July because I do not have to worry about going anywhere except to the alley to take out the trash.

09. ...for Dijon mustard because it taste good on hot dogs which is another 4th of July treat.

10. ...that I have a Facebook account because I can wish my brothers a Happy 4th of July without worrying that they will not be home when I call them.

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