Wednesday, July 09, 2014

I Think I'm becoming a Hermit

‘Idál (Justice), 16 Raḥmat (Mercy), 171 BE - Wednesday, July 9, 2014 about 5:51 pm Pacific Daylight Time

I think I'm becoming a hermit. I go out only when I absolutely  have to and sometimes I even talk myself out of going out then. It didn't bother me until this afternoon, in fact I didn't even consider it a possibility until today. This morning I picked up my senior commodities and went to the grocery store. When I returned home, instead of getting ready to go to the Commemoration of the Martyrdom of The Bab, I changed into my house skirt and blouse. I made some blog entries and then at noon I said the Tablet of Visitation.

At the grocery store, I purchased a small container of deodorant because when I took my bath this morning I found out I was out. I specifically purchased the deodorant so that I could go out, but instead I remained home. I'll have to make more of an effort to get out because I don't think I like being a recluse. Sometimes I don't enjoy being around people, but that doesn't mean I enjoy being a hermit or a recluse.

I know, that despite opinions to the contrary, living in seclusion is not good for a person's spiritual development. On the journey of transformation an individual needs to interact with the rest of humanity because some of the soul's attributes can only be developed during those interactions. I have to make more of a effort to get out of my studio apartment and my shell.

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