Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Midweek Reflections or Weird Wednesday

‘Idál (Justice), 18 Kalimát (Words), 171 BE - Wednesday, July 30, 2014 about 11:11 am Pacific Daylight Time

According to there are several intriguing and thought provoking definitions of weird. One of the definitions gives fantastic or bizarre, while the other definitions have to do with the supernatural, uncanny, unearthly, fate, or destiny. Today's entry concerns the unusual, fantastic, or bizarre rather then the other definitions.

Anyone who has every read any of my bogs knows that I am a creative person. I write poetry, short stories, and novels in addition to cooking creative and unusual recipes. Since I eat my own cooking, I must do a good job with the unusual recipes because none of them have made me sick or put me in the hospital. Today I am making celery soup with celery, Italian dressing, chicken stock, filtered water, and hot sauce. When the soup is finished I will eat it over cold cereal.

The celery soup over dry cereal is my unusual or weird action for this week. I like to do something out of the ordinary at least once a week because it keeps me young and gets me out of the rut I sometimes find myself descending into. This week I am also changing the Midweek Reflections theme to Weird Wednesday so that I can blog each week about whatever action I take to get myself out of my rut.

I got the weird Wednesday idea when I realized that I am tired of the Midweeks Reflections theme and all of the other Wednesday themes I have used in this blog. I found myself in a writing and transformation rut, I was not making progress and needed something to jump start the process again. Prayer and meditation worked fine, but I needed something to stretch my wings and change my attitude. Therefore, I decided to do something weird, which was eating cereal with my homemade soup instead of crackers or bread.

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