Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Midweek Reflictions: Contemplating Iced Coffee

‘Idál (Justice), 11 Kalimát (Words), 171 BE - Wednesday, July 23, 2014 about 1:52 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Because I went to the doctor's office for a blood test, I didn't have hat coffee this morning. I drink water before leaving the house instead of coffee.  The phlebotomist and the doctor were both out of the office, they won't be back until Friday. Therefore, I have to go aback across town on Friday to get a blood test.

I was hungry when I returned home, so I made myself a turkey burger sandwich on sourdough bread with horseradish mustard and I had a glass of iced black English tea. After I finished the tea, I decided I want coffee, but it was getting too warm to have hot coffee. I brewed myself a carafe of coffee, put ice cubes in a glass and poured the hot coffee over the ice cubes.

contemplating iced coffee
a sip of cold rich liquid
satisfies my coffee lover's soul
while keeping me cool
in triple digit Las Vegas.

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