Monday, July 07, 2014

Makeup (Catchup) Monday: Attempting to Catch up on some work

Kamál (Perfection), 14 Raḥmat (Mercy), 171 BE - Monday, July 7, 2014 about 11:44 am Pacific Daylight Time

It's catchup makeup  Monday,
so I'm eating barbecued chicken
with sweet peas for lunch
and attempting to get the back load
under control.

I feel as if I'm behind on everything, but I don't think that's an accurate statement or feeling. For sometime now I've felt as if I was walking in a fog. I'm not sure what is causing the problem, but it's put me behind on everything. I have to attempt to get caught up this week. I know I can't get everything I want to accomplish in one day or one week; however I can get something done.

Don't focus on the big picture,
rather look at a small space,
at one box,
at one file folder,
get something accomplished
get the trash
taken out to the alley.

I find myself looking at the big picture. I look at everything I have to accomplish and because frustrated. I have to learn to narrow my focus to one small space or one item at a time. The only way to get anything done is in small sections. Say a prayer of assistance and then get to work washing dishes, sweeping the floor, or sorting laundry.

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