Friday, January 24, 2014

Not Enough Time in The Day

There's not enough time in a day
to write everything I want to say
or do everything I want to do.

It's been a short day because I haven't gotten everything accomplished I wanted or needed to accomplish. I think part of the problem was depression and going to bed too early. Another part of the problem is wasting time playing silly games. I've tried several different ways to stop the game playing, but none of it  seems to work. I think I'm going to take a different approach by opening my prayer book and reading one of the prayers for tests and difficulties each time I want to play a game.

There's not enough time in a day,
so why do I wail it away
playing wasting time games.

I still have a lot to do tonight before I go to the couch (I don't have a bed so I sleep on my couch), which could be one reason I'm not sleeping properly. However, I can't find a comfortable and pain free mattress, so the only place I can sleep with out waking up in pain is on the couch. Of course, when I move to the new apartment I won't be sleeping on the couch. Instead I'll be sleeping on the love seat because the I'm moving to a studio apartment and the couch takes up too much room.

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