Monday, July 26, 2010

Preparing Mom’s medication for the week

Kamál (Perfection), 14 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Monday, July 26, 2010 about 6:59 AM Pacific Time

Mom has three pillboxes and each pillbox has seven compartments. This morning, I prepared Mom's meds for the week. I think I am rescheduling that job to Sunday afternoon. It is time consuming, but not difficult and since the compartment are labeled Sunday through Saturday it makes more sense to do it on Sunday afternoon.

Mom decided she does not need to take her medication, so when I give it to her she protest. Mom still takes her med, but she lets me know that, in her opinion, she does not need them. Since becoming Mom's caregiver, I have learned a lot about Mom and myself. I learn something new about everyday. This is becoming a transformative experience.

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