Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday Thoughts

Istijlál (Majesty), 10 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Thursday, July 22, 2010 About 5:53 PM Pacific Time

It's Thankful Thursday
It's time to count my blessings
Mother smiled today

I am grateful that my mother still remembers me and recognizes me when I come into the house. Mom did get angry over something today, but I don't remember the issue. I think it had something to do with me cleaning the cat litter.

Mom forgot to clean the litter, so I cleaned it and she got angry. However, her anger didn't last very long. This afternoon, Mom smiled because I ask her to wash some cloths out in the sink. Mom enjoyed washing the cloths. Mom enjoyed hanging the wet cloths on hangers and hanging them on the drying rack in her bathroom.

Sometime Mom acts the way she used to before the Alzheimer's disease began taking its toll. Then she says something that brings tears to my eyes. Mom forgets things and sometimes she forgets that her sons are married. Sometimes she forgets that her parents died. I know the time I have with Mom is precious because eventually she will forget even me, but for now she remembers when I remind her about the things she forgot.

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