Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It rained this morning in Las Vegas

‘Idál (Justice), 16 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Wednesday, July 28, 2010 about 3:26 PM Pacific Time

I woke up, looked out my living room window and saw that the driveway was wet. It is a good thing I rolled the windows in my car up last night or my front seat would have been wet this morning. I am not surprised that it rained, after all, this is monsoon season in Las Vegas. A little rains is expected this time of year.

Even though this is called monsoon season, we do not have real monsoons in Las Vegas. We get rain and floods, but not to the extent that occurs in other parts of the world. This year there has been very little rain and no flooding that makes the news.

Today fluffy white clouds are scattered across the sky. When I go outside, I can feel the humidity in the air. It is a beautiful day in Las Vegas.

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