Saturday, July 31, 2010

I think I need a nap

Jalál (Glory), 19 Kalimát (Words), 167 BE – Saturday, July 31, 2010 about 9:27 AM Pacific Time

I am about to fall asleep on my keyboard. I am on my fourth cup of coffee and still I want to go to sleep. I ate a peanut butter sandwich earlier, perhaps I need something a little more substantial. I will go fix a couple of eggs and if that does not help then I will take a nap.

It is cloudy today, so the lack of sunshine may be the problem. I keep yawing and yawing, perhaps I did not get enough sleep last night. I will eat something, get another cup of coffee, and then read the morning paper. If I go to sleep while reading the paper, then I do need more rest.

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