Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Grandmother’s Cat Jay

Jalál (Glory), 7 ‘Azamat (Grandeur), 166 BE – Saturday, May 23, 2009 about 3:09 PM Pacific Time

This afternoon, I am thinking about my grandmother's cat. He was a Siamese by the name of Jay. Grandma found the cat at Lake Blackwell (I think that was the name of the lake near the town we lived in). The people who owned Jay, before my grandmother found him, had two Siamese cats.

I'm not sure why Jay left the woman. It's possible Jay didn't like the woman or the other cat. Also, Jay could have like my grandmother better. Anyway Grandma ended up with Jay and when summer ended, she took him home to Blackwell.

My grandmother had chickens and Jay liked sleeping in one of the nest during the day. He never chased the chickens or stole eggs, which is more then I can say for one of the neighbors cats. Jay was a fighter and very protective of the chickens. As long as Jay lived, Grandma never lost chickens or eggs to the neighbors' cats or any other animal.

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