Monday, May 04, 2009

I'm going to get my dining room back

Kamál (Perfection), 7 Jamál (Beauty), 166 BE – Monday, May 4, 2009 about 12:24 PM Pacific Time

I'm finally going to get my dining room back. I called the people who own the hospital bed and the wheel chair. Someone is supposed to call in two or three days to arrange a time for pickup. I'm going to have to arrange for them to pick it up next week because both Mom and I have doctors appointments all this week.

After the hospital bed is picked up I have to move one table back into the breakfast room and then the dining room table back into the dining room. I also have things I have to do before they pick the items up. The floor needs mopping; of course, floors always need mopping so that is an on going job.

I'm looking forward to getting my dining room back. I'm looking forward to putting the T.V. back in the living room. Not that we're going to be able to watch the T.V. too much longer. We're not prepared for the change over to digital and I'm not sure we're going to be prepared before June. Not that it really matters because there are appliances that are more important then a televisions set.

I still need to get a new refrigerator and now I need a new dryer. The dryer went out a couple of days ago, which means I'm back to hanging cloths outside again. Not that hanging them out is any big deal, it's just a bit of a hassle to carry the cloths basket out to the backyard or patio and hang the cloths up.

It's going to be nice having my dining room back. I haven't had a dining room since 2007 and I'm going to enjoy sitting in the dining room eating at the table. Having my dining room back makes me think that the situation is changing and things are looking up.

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