Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Beautiful Sunday Morning in Las Vegas

Jamál (Beauty), 8 ‘Azamat (Grandeur), 166 BE – Sunday, May 24, 2009 about 10:54 AM Pacific Time

It's a beautiful Sunday morning in Las Vegas and I have cloths to hang on the line. I hung one load of cloths out early this morning. When I was hanging them up one of the neighbors' cats walked through the yard. She saw me hanging out cloths, so she sit down and watched me. Apparently, she doesn't see someone hanging out cloths very often.

I also saw a bird. I think it was a nightingale, but I'm not sure. I'm not a birdwatcher, so I can't identify the different species of birds. Anyway, the bird saw me hanging out cloths and he had to land on the bough of the oleanders and watch me. I must have been an extremely unusual sight because animals normally don't do that.

The bird and the cat are going to have to get used to seeing me hanging out cloths. I have not intention of buy an electric cloths dryer. As it is, I'm going to have to buy a fridge this week and I doubt I'm able to get in on any of the Memorial Day Sales. One of the sales is Sunday and Monday, while another ends May 27. I'm going to have to pay the regular price, so I'm going the buy the least expensive new fridge I can find.

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