Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm having difficulties getting used to my lower plate

‘Idál (Justice), 11 ‘Azamat (Grandeur), 166 BE – Wednesday, May 27, 2009 about 4:17 PM Pacific Time

I'm having difficulties getting used to my lower plate. The upper dentures didn't give me any problems at all. True the upper plate gets loose sometimes, but that has more to do with my gums shrinking then anything else.

My lower plate is giving me problems. Even when I put something in to hold them I have problems chewing some foods. I can eat a sandwich, but I have to cut it up so that I can put small pieces in my mouth. All right, so my denture problems aren't really what people want to read about.

If anyone is reading this, who still has his or her natural teeth, I suggest you take care of them. Make an appointment with the dentist, have your teeth cleaned and have any cavities filled. Brush your teeth three times a day with toothpaste that protects your teeth and gums. If I had know getting used to dentures was this difficult, I would have taken better care of my teeth then I did.

It's too late for me to keep my original teeth. The only thing I can do now is put my dentures in the soaking solution and then brush. As for my gums, they are healing nicely. I rinse about three times a day with hot salt water to heal the gums. I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow morning for a soft line of my lower plate. I do hope that takes care of part of the problem of getting used to the plate.

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