Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weary Wednesday: Why am I tired today?

‘Idál (Justice), 2 Jalál (Glory), 170 BE - Wednesday, April 10, 2013 about 12:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time

I'm tired and sleepy today, but I'm not sure why. I got as much sleep last night as ever, I woke up every hour on the half hour until the alarm went off. I'm not sure why I set an alarm because I would have woke up at 4:30 AM  without an alarm. Not only am I tired, but for some reason the day is passing slowly and seems extremely long.

I should be used to daylight savings time by now. Apparently, I'm not because the day seems long. I cannot believe it is just 12:45 PM because it seems as if it should be later then that. I shouldn't gripe, the longer the day the more I will accomplish. At least that is the theory; however, theories work better as theories then in real life.

The problem is that when I lay down to take a nap I can't go to sleep. There is no use laying in bed if I can't sleep. I didn't take one of my meds yesterday, so that could be the reason I'm tired. In addition, I didn't eat before I left the house on Tuesday. That could be another reason I'm tired.

I'll have to mix some dry milk so I have something to put on my cereal. That way I can eat something before I leave the house, which I'll have to do either on Thursday or Friday. I'll see if eating before I go out to do business helps.

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...

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