Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Overcome the morning blues

Fiḍál (Grace), 13 Bahá (Splendor), 170 BE - Tuesday, April 2, 2013 about 10:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I have finally overcome the morning blues; however, it took a bit of work this morning. After saying my morning prayers, reading a scripture verse, composing entries for my writing.com blog, and making an entry in my offline journal I am over the blues. In fact, the rest of the day looks bright.

I still have to fold the towels when I take them out of the dryer. I also have to decide what I am going to eat for the week. I do not have any meat in the house, I think I will make some macaroni or perhaps spaghetti. I still have three cans of spaghetti sauce in the pantry. I also have cheese in the refrigerator, so I could make macaroni and cheese.

The macaroni and cheese sounds better then the spaghetti. I had spaghetti twice last week, perhaps something a bit different this week. I can mix a can of green beans with the macaroni and fix another batch of cornbread. Right now the only type of bread in the house is cornbread; this way I have to fix macaroni and cheese rather then a grilled cheese sandwich.

It is going to be a good day. I have overcome the morning blues. I have the ingredients for my favorite food, macaroni and cheese, in the house. I have a half-empty trashcan in the garage so I can clean out the refrigerator this afternoon.

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