Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Procress of De-cluttering

‘Idál (Justice), 16 Jalál (Glory), 170 BE - Wednesday, April 24, 2013 about 1:22 PM Pacific Time

It is difficult to let go. It is difficult to de-clutter. The process of de-cluttering is part of the process of letting go. It is acceptance that life has changed, it is part of the mourning process. My mother had two large containers of material and quilt blocks or material scraps she intended to use to make quilts. She never did get around to making quilts with them. Since I have no intention of making any quilts, I decided to give them away.

I posted the items on Freecycle, I received responses, and I contacted one of the respondents. The person will pick the material up tomorrow morning. I feel so much better now that I have the process of de-cluttering started. I still have several other items to give away, which I will do over the next couple of week. Mom's clothes I will give to local charities, while other things I will post on Freecycle because I am sure someone will want them.

I feel much better now that I have decided to give away some of Mom's craft items. There are other to give away or for me to take with me and finish. I have not decided if I want to keep the items Mom was going to paint (fabric paint) or not. I have to do some research to see if I can afford to purchase the paints or not. I suspect some of Mom's paints are so old that I cannot use them; I'll have to try them out and see.

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