Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Midweek Reflections Wednesday, June 17, 2009

‘Idál (Justice), 13 Nur (Light), 166 BE – Wednesday, June 17, 2009 about 2:06 AM Pacific Time

It's Wednesday again. Hump day and the week is half over. This is June the sixth month of the year and 2009 is half over. I realized today that I don't actually remember very much of 2007. It was a stressful year and I'm surprised I remember anything at all about it.

This realization occurred to me when I was checking the contents of my port at Of course, my Mother spent most of 2007 in the hospital, so I'm surprised I remember anything at all about that year. Anyway I found two poem I wrote in January and February and realized I didn't remember writing them, but I know I wrote them.

It's up setting realizing that an entire year is a fog of chaos and worry. I know that the stress of what occurred that year is the reason I don't remember a lot of what went on. You see that was the year my Mother turned 86 in the operating room. Mom's recovering nicely and this year she turned 88.

Many other things happened this week, but the memory thing is the most important. It shook me up that an entire year just seemed to be in a fog. The incidents I do remember occurred in stressful moments. I think Mom and I are still recovering form 2007. Oh well, life goes on moving from week to week, from Wednesday to Wednesday and we must handle the stress that comes with living.

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