Tuesday, June 02, 2009

An update on the air conditioner issues

Fidál (Grace), 17 ‘Azamat (Grandeur), 166 BE – Tuesday, June 2, 2009 about 5:05 AM Pacific Time

We still don't have a working air conditioner. The soonest we can get it fixed is Thursday, so today I'm going to make an appointment for Thursday morning. Then I can catch up on the on-line work and meeting deadlines. I don't have anything due until Friday until 9:59 Pacific time and I can spend all day Friday completing that project.

In the mean time, I'm doing the majority of my writing off line using a pen and paper. It's been a long time since I've written so much using anything except a keyboard. I can still read my own handwriting, most of the time, the biggest problem with writing that way is my creative spelling. Sometimes, the way I spell a word and it's actually spelling are worlds apart.

I check the temperature at 2:30 AM, when I got up, and again at 4:00 AM, when the alarm went off. The temperature appears to cool down between those times; therefore, I think tonight I'll sleep in my own bed instead of on the couch. There isn't any use getting up until I can work on-line for a little while in the mornings.

This is my own fault, of course. I don't have any emergency fund, which I intend to correct by opening a saving account this month. It only takes $25.00 to open the account, I think between the aluminum cans in my trunk and a little from my Social Security Check I will find the money for that. It doesn't help right now, but it will help in the future. The idea is to learn something from the tests and difficulties faced. Education of the individual is a part of transformation.

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