Sunday, January 06, 2008

My Favorite Healing Prayer

Kamal (Perfection), 8 Sharaf (Honor) 164 B.E. - Sunday, January 6, 2008 about 9:03 PM PST

This is the first in a series of Spiritual Sunday essays.

My favorite prayer is the Long Healing Prayer revealed by Baha'u'llah. It took me a while to decided between this and another prayer which Baha'u'llah revealed. My Mother was in the hospital for quite a while last year. As a results I read this prayer slowly and aloud several times. When I read it, I focused on the words and how they made me feel.

When I read the Long Healing Prayer it calmed my worry about Mom. Whenever I read or recite any prayer revealed by Baha'u'llah, I get a spiritual feeling, but with the Long Healing Prayer the feeling is intensified.

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