Sunday, January 13, 2008

Spiritual Sunday: Making Time for God

Jamal (Beauty), 14 Sharaf (Honor), 164 B.E. - Sunday, January 13, 2008 about 4:09 PM PST

The year 2007 was very stressful for me. Beginning March 12 there were a lot of tests and difficulties in my life. After thinking back over 2007 as well as the year before, I came to several conclusions. One of the main conclusions I came to was that I needed to make time for God in my life. It's not that I wasn't saying the prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah and the Bab or reading the sacred scriptures. My problems was that I would read the scripture verses or the prayers and then go into what ever work I planned to do. I wasn't setting silently afterwards and meditating on them.

The sacred scriptures, whether they are prayers or scripture verses, have their greatest effect on the individual who meditates on them. I believe that the scriptures have their greatest effect on the person who meditates on them. Meditation on the verses of God is different from studying the sacred verses. In meditation one sits silently and thinks about the verses. A person may even repeat the verse over in his or her mind while meditating on it.

When I meditate on a scripture verse, I focus on the verse and the way it makes me feel. I read or repeat the verse over several time in my mind. While I'm meditating on a scripture verse the only thing I have is the book the verse is in and my glasses. I read the verse and then I sit silently for about five minutes or longer. After I finish meditation the I may or may not make a journal entry.

In 2008 I'm going to take the time meditate on the verses and prayers rather then just read them and get on with the day. This is how I'm going to make time for God. I think if I do that things will go better this year.

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