Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008 has begun

2 Sharaf 164 B.E. - Tuesday, January 1, 2008 about 12:43 AM PST

It's another sleepless night, but instead of tossing and turning and turning and tossing, I'm sitting at the computer. I'm listening to the New Year's celebration that is exploding all over town. If I would get up and go outside I could see the fireworks. It's too cold out just to see fireworks.

I enjoy looking at fireworks, but not on a winter night in Las Vegas. This is a desert and it gets cold at night. It's cold enough in the house without having to put on a coat and go outside. I'll wait until the Fourth of July to see fireworks.

I'm going to have to get up soon, go make coffee and put on the blackeyed peas. I've decided to make them with chicken instead of pigs feet. I'm still going to have creamed corn and sweet potatoes.

I'm also thinking of going out later this evening. The reJavanate is having an open mic poetry reading tonight at 7:00 PM. I haven't been to a poetry reading in over nine months. I think Mom and I will go tonight. I haven't talked to Mom about it yet, but I think she would like it. Even when she doesn't read, she enjoys listening to the other poems.

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