Saturday, May 25, 2013

I found the answer to Friday's problem

Jalál (Glory), 9 ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur), 170 BE - Saturday, May 25, 2013 about 9:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time

This morning I figured out what caused my stomach pain yesterday. The problem was caused by drinking coffee without eating anything all morning. I have a bad habit of not eating breakfast before 10:00 or 11:00 AM, which means that often I go out without any food in my stomach. I drink coffee, but I do not eat. On Friday, that is what caused the pain in my stomach.

I figured that out this morning because I drink a cup of coffee without eating anything. The pain in my stomach started again. After the pain started, I fixed myself a couple of eggs with buttered toast. Once I ate the pain went away. When I was younger things like this did not bother me, but now that I am over 60 it gives me problems.

This afternoon I will mix some powdered milk so that I can have cereal with my morning coffee. That should take care of part of the problem with my stomach. The only thing I have to figure out now concerns the specific food or foods that I eat which causes me issues. I suspect the culprit is foods that hove cooked tomatoes in them. Unfortunately, there is not very much I can do about that because I receive canned tomatoes and pasta sauce with my senior food allotment.

I can limit myself to one can of pasta sauce or diced tomatoes a week, but I cannot eliminate them all together. I can also add other ingredients to the pasta dishes to help dilute the pasta sauce. The last thing I can do is make sure I take the prescription for my stomach problems everyday. Taking all those steps will allow me to eat the foods I like without dealing with the pain that those foods cause. If the pain gets worse or occurs more then once every two or three months then I will have to talk to my doctor about other solutions or other problems.

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