Thursday, May 23, 2013

Change is in the Air

Istijlál (Majesty), 7 ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur), 170 BE - Thursday, May 23, 2013 about 10:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time

I don't know why I feel that change is in the air. Maybe I'm just tired of living in this house and I want to move as soon as I can find a place I can afford. Maybe it has to do with the dream I had about Mom yesterday or was it the day before. I'm not going to write the entire dream because I put it in my dream journal, Dreams of Snow, which I store in my port.

The more I think about the dream, the more I realize that it was telling me to let go of the past. I suspect there was more to the dream then simply telling me to let go. There were a couple of symbols in the dream that I didn't understand, but eventually I will figure out those symbols. I prefer to interpret my own dreams.

Sometimes I will look up the meaning of a dream symbol on the internet, but normally I like to do a timed free write about the symbol. Perhaps that's what I should do with the symbols I can't figure out in my last dream. The symbol that is bothering me the most was the antique gas stove. I can't figure out where the symbol came from and what it means.

Eventually figure out meaning of the stove. In the mean time, I will do my best to let go of the worry and the fear of the change that is occurring in my life. I'm looking forward to finding a new place and finishing some writing projects I have going. Maybe that's what the stove referred to the projects I've put on the back burner.

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