Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Tuesday Thoughts: Closing out April

Fidál (Grace), 4 Jamál (Beauty), 169 BE – Tuesday, May 1, 2012 2:50 PM Pacific Time

It’s Tuesday the first of May. This is the day I close out April’s books and make the mortgage payment online. I went to the website of the bank that has our mortgage and made the payment this morning. Now I just have to close out April’s books and set up the books for May.

This is a long, but not complicated process because I have checked the bank accounts everyday. Now all I have to do is make sure that the books balance, which sometimes can be an issue. When it comes to balancing the books, my problem is cash. I don’t keep track of cash spending the same way I keep track of the debit card spending.

I guess that’s why I prefer to use a debit card, checks, or a credit card because I can keep a close eye on what we (Mom and I) spend. When it comes to counting cash, I always have less then what I think I should have. This is frustrating and irritating and I know what causes the problem. I don’t write down the cash that I spend or if I do write it down, I can’t find the note pad I wrote it on.

Frustrating or not, I have to balance the books today because if I wait a couple of days the situation will only become worse. So, why am I composing a blog entry instead of balancing the books? That is a good question and I’m not sure I have an answer; at least, I don’t have an answer I’m willing to post.

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