Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Meditation: Washing Dishes by Hand in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 17 Jamál (Beauty), 169 BE – Monday, May 14, 2012 about 10:40 AM Pacific Time

There is nothing like washing dishes by hand to focus my mind on the moment. The feel of the hot soapy water on my bare hands is an invigorating experience. I have to scrub clean each dish and then rinse each bowl, cup, plate, or fork. After that, I place them on the drying rack. Through out this process, my mind remains focused on the utensil and nothing else.

After finishing the dishes, I look out my kitchen window. The play of light and shadow appear fresh. The white, pink, and red oleanders seem to glisten in the morning sun. Today, the neighbor’s cat did not walk across the backyard or along the top of fence. However, the birds were singing and the sunshine seemed brighter then usual, perhaps my imagination or just the feeling I get after focusing on one thing for five or ten minutes.

I do not know how long it took me to wash the dish this morning. I did not look at the clock on the microwave. I focused exclusively on getting the dishes clean. Now I know how my Grandmother felt when she washed dishes in the kitchen sink in Blackwell, Oklahoma.

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