Sunday, May 27, 2012

Prayer and Oxygen

Jamál (Beauty), 11 ‘Azamat (Grandeur), 169 BE – Sunday, May 27, 2012 about 10:15 AM Pacific Time

My mother has to have oxygen, so we have an oxygen concentrator and oxygen tanks. Mom sleeps with the oxygen concentrator lines in her nose and the concentrator on. However, she does not always need to use it during the day. On Friday, I bought a pulse oximeter to measure her body’s oxygen level. This way if her oxygen level gets below 93% during the day, I can turn on the concentrator and connect the tubes to her nose or connect the oxygen tank, whichever is more convenient.

This morning I checked Mom’s oxygen level and found it was down to 89%, so I turned the concentrator on and put the tubes in her nose. While I was doing this, it struck me that prayer does for our souls what the oxygen concentrator does for my mother’s body. When the oxygen concentrator is on and connected to the human body, it increased the percentage of oxygen in the blood.

Prayer aids a person’s faith in God. When we pray we are connecting our spirits to God and increasing the power of our faith in the same way that the concentrator increased the amount of oxygen in a person’s blood. Sometimes in a person’s daily life, he or she forgets to pray and, therefore, has difficulties due to lack of spiritual power. It is at these times, prayer, acting like an oxygen concentrator, increases the spiritual power to confront the difficulties and overcome doubt.

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