Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Mumblings: The wound on my left leg

Kamál (Perfection), 2 Ayyám-I-Há (Intercalary Days), 168 BE – Sunday-Monday, February 27, 2012 about 7:10 AM Pacific Time

I have to go to the wound doctor again. Late Friday night, a place on my left leg began to run and then on Saturday bleed. I will call one of my doctors when the offices open around 8:00 AM and discuss it with one of the nurses because I cannot talk to the doctor immediately. I give the nurse all the information I can and then talk to the doctor later or make an appointment.

I am not looking forward to having that leg bandaged. I just got all the bandages off at the beginning of the month. Since I cannot get the bandages wet, it is difficult to take a shower or a bath. Even with a plastic bag over the bandages, taking a shower is a test. I have to put trash bags on my grocery list because they are the only bags large enough to go over the bandage.

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