Monday, February 06, 2012

Monday Mumblings: Walking at least ten minutes every hour

Kamál (Perfection), 19 Sultán (Sovereignty), 168 BE – Monday, February 6, 2012 about 1:45 PM Pacific Time

I went to the Desert West Surgical Center this morning to have the vein procedure on my left leg. I received a local anesthetic, so there was not very much pain. I arrived home about 11:30 PM.

The doctor said I had to get up and walk at least ten minutes every hour. I will not have trouble walking for ten minutes, all though I may have trouble getting up, but that has nothing to do with the procedure. I always have trouble getting out of chairs, except those in a doctor’s office waiting room. I think that is because those chars have arms I can use to push myself up.

I need to buy some new chairs for the house, but that will have to wait for a while. In the mean time, I will just push myself out of my chairs the best I can and do laundry or some other household chore every time I get up. Most of the things I have to do that does not require lifting anything heavy, if there is something heavy I have to lift it will just have to wait until after Thursday.

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