Friday, January 23, 2009

Vineger in the Mop water

Istiqlál (Independence), 5 Sultán (Sovereignty), 165 BE – Friday, January 23, 2009 about 1:04 PM Pacific Time

My grandmother put vinegar in the mop water when she mopped her linoleum floors. The house had linoleum throughout the house. Grandma never had carpet or tile in her house. When she mopped the kitchen and bathroom floor she put vinegar in the mop water.

I'm not sure why she did that, perhaps it was to make the linoleum shine or to kill germs. I never did ask her why. There were a lot of thing Grandma did that I never asked her why she did them. Now I wish I had because it would have been nice to know. My grandmother used vinegar for a lot of things. She used vinegar when she cooked. She used vinegar when she cleaned.

I remembered this last night when I went to clean the spaghetti mop head. I have to get a new mop head for that mop, but for now I'll just clean it with vineger. I don't put very much vinegar in the water because a little bit will do. I've about decided that I don't like spaghetti mops. I don't like sponge mops, they are worse then spaghetti mops. At least, a spaghetti mop cleans up better then a sponge mop.

I have to get a new mop head and I'm considering getting a new mop. I know it's a waste of a perfectly good mop handle. I'm still looking for the perfect mop to mop my floors. All right, maybe there is no such thing as the perfect mop. Perhaps what I need to do is look for the attributes I want in a mop and then find one that comes close to what I want.

I have to admit that the perfect house-cleaning item would be a robot or a house that cleans itself. I want a robot that will do everything from laundry to mopping the floor and cleaning the toilet. However, I still need to get another mop head the next time I go shopping. I also need to make a grocery list, but that is another blog entry.

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