Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life is a learning process

Istijlál (Majesty), 16 Sharaf (Honor), 165 BE – Thursday, January 15, 2009 about 11:29 AM Pacific Time

Life is a learning process. Learning new things is part of the process of transformation. I learned at least two things this week. First, check the health insurance for things like the way they handle referrals to other doctors. Second, when it comes to eye infections, go to an eye doctor and not your regular GP.

I've known for a while that Mom's eye problem was more then just needing glasses. I made an appointment with an eye doctor and took her to see him. They accepted her medical insurance. However, she needed to go to a retinalgist and her insurance specific the group of eye doctors she has to have a referral from. So I made another appointment for next Monday for her to see a doctor in that group. I had the doctor we went to fax the information to their office and I'll take a copy of what I have with me.

As for her eye infection, it was more involved then what we thought. The eye doctor gave her a prescription and we're putting the drops in her eyes twice a day. However, she is going to have to go to another doctor, which means a referral, because of a blocked tear duct.

I guess this just goes to show that you never stop learning. No matter how old you are there is always something new you can learn. I'm not sure how I can apply this week's lessons to my own life, but I'll figure that out.

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