Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I want to know why

‘Idál (Justice), 10 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. – Wednesday, May 7, 2008 about 5:24 PM PDT

I want to know why all the interesting phone calls come when I don't answer the phone. Mom got a phone call today from somewhere in Oklahoma. She didn't have a pad or a pen to write down the message, which isn't unusual. When I go to write a message or phone number down the first pen I pick up doesn't write. If the pen does write then there is no paper around to put the message on. Maybe that's why I let the answer machine pick it up because at least then I have a telephone number to call back.

Anyway Mom answered the phone and it was from Oklahoma. I know a lot of people in Oklahoma, but I have no clue as to who called. I really hope who ever it was calls back because they way Mom described the call it was interesting. It was probably a wrong number, so no one is going to call back. If someone says they are from Oklahoma then I'm going to answer the phone, if I'm home.

I think what I'll do is leave a pen and paper laying in the places Mom has the phone so she can write a message down, not that the pen will work when she goes to write it down. I can put a working pen by the phone and when I go to use it the pen doesn't work. This has happened to me more then once; I suppose the ink dries up before I use the pen. That's the most logical explanation.

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