Friday, May 02, 2008

I'm sleepy

Istiqlál (Independence), 5 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. – Friday, May 2, 2008 about 3:24 PM PDT

I'm sleepy, throat is soar and my sinuses are draining. It isn't that I feel bad, it's just alergies. The wind has blow and gusted for the past week. I'm allergic to Oleanders and olive trees among other things.

I enjoy the wind when I don't have to go out. If I can stay home and watch the wind blow I'm happy. However, this past week I've been in it every day. It seems when I go out in the wind it is worse then when I stay in and watch it blow. I know that isn't true, but it seems that way.

This past week has been interesting with earthquakes in Reno and wild fires in California. There were some fires here in Las Vegas, but in residential areas. The were started by accident. I called in some meds for Mom and we have to go pick them up. I just looked out the window and the wind is blowing. I thought they said there would be no wind today. The sky seems cloudy this afternoon as well. This weather isn't helping me at all. It's warm outside, but the wind makes it seem cooler.

This is monsoon season in Las Vegas, but it hasn't rained. We did have water main break in front of the house. In fact there were several water main breaks in the past month. I don't know if it has anything to do with the breaks and the water district putting in new pipes, but my toilets flesh better now.

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