Monday, May 26, 2008

I have slacked off recently

Kamál (Perfection), 10 ‘Azamat (Grandeur), 165 B.E. – Monday, May 26, 2008 about 4:34 PM PDT

I have slacked off recently. I started working from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM out side the house and as a result, I have not achieved as much at home as I wanted. I used today to catch up on a couple of things. Last night I stayed up later then usually and got up about 5:30 AM instead of 4:00 AM this morning.

I think my problem is a routine. I need to establish a new writing routine. I have not been getting on line in the morning before going to work. Instead, I have watched the local news, which is a bit depressing. I am not sure about getting on line before going to work in the mornings. I think that establishing a new writing routine in the afternoon is the best idea.

I did not go anywhere today. The main problem is gas prices. I paid about $3.71 a gallon the last time I bought gas. I have to get more gas this week, so I will get another $20 tomorrow. I remember when I could fill the tank on a $20 bill and have enough left over for a couple of bottles of soda or coffee. Now all $20 gets is about half a tank or less of gas. Oh well, I suppose it could be worse, at least we are not paying $10.00 a gallon yet.

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