Saturday, August 16, 2014

Saturday Review: An Interesting Week

Jalál (Glory), 16 Kamál (Perfection), 171 BE - Saturday, August 16, 2014 about 6:45 pm Pacific Daylight Time

At the end of an interesting week, I contemplate my accomplishments. I have not accomplished as much as I wanted to, but that is normal. I did get some things accomplished and I am going to get more accomplished this week end. On Friday I went to Smith's Food & Drug store to purchase some food. I specifically went to purchase eggs and fully cooked turkey breakfast sausages. I also purchased a package of frozen turkey burgers, which are quite tasty when you put hot pepper sauce on them.

At the end of an interesting week, I am attempting to think of ways to eat dry cereal. I think I will try something creative with the cereal on Sunday. Fix me an egg, a sausage, and a bowl of cereal with applesauce instead of milk. I do not care much for milk on cereal anymore. Maybe I will try coffee on my cereal instead of applesauce or milk and see how that tastes.

At the end of an interesting week I am looking for creative ways to eat cereal. I do not care to eat cereal for breakfast, but I do like cereal. Perhaps I will use it as a snack tomorrow instead of having crackers and cheese. I quit eating sugar on my cereal years ago and I am now on the way to cutting out milk on my cereal. My mother ate dry cereal without milk or anything on it for breakfast, but I have not tried that yet. Perhaps tomorrow with my sausage and eggs.

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