Monday, August 11, 2014

Meditation Monday: An Afternoon Nap

Kamál (Perfection), 11 Kamál (Perfection), 171 BE - Monday, August 11, 2014 about 5:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Sleep is the best meditation.
Dalai Lama 

I just woke from an afternoon nap refreshed and contented. I know I'm contented because I feel a smile on my lips. I know I'm refreshed because my mind feels tranquil and my body invigorated. I'm listening to the neighbor's music as I write this and it's refreshing background music for my muse.

An afternoon nap
taking less then one hour
a beautiful day.

I still have a lot to do, but I will get what I can get done today and not worry about the rest. That's how I feel right now. That's how I always feel after I wake up from my afternoon meditation. If I want to meditate without going to sleep then I have to focus on something that keeps me away. I don't always know what that is because if I focus on counting my breath then sometimes I go t o sleep.

An afternoon nap
splendid way to meditate
wake happy refreshed.

My intuition works better when I meditate, pray, and nap, but until I read the quote by the Dalai Lama I didn't think of a nap as meditation. I resisted taking a nap because I thought I didn't have time even though I had time to meditate. Now that I know sleep is good meditation I can take a nap without worrying because I'm sleeping and meditating at the same time.

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