Saturday, August 09, 2014

Serenity Saturday: Meditation Upon Change

Jalál (Glory), 9 Kamál (Perfection), 171 BE - Saturday, August 9, 2014 about 5:58 pm Pacific Daylight Time

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
Lao Tzu

I find that stress and change go hand-in-hand because I want to resist the change  instead of accepting it. Change, growth, evolution, transformation, whatever you want to call it is a part of life. It cannot be avoided nor can my resistance to it stop the process. The only thing that resistance does is create stress, sorrow, and fear. In my case, it sometimes causes panic attacks.

Spontaneous change
comes from studying God's word
meditation and prayer.

This afternoon, I am feeling serene, peaceful, and happy. That was not the case yesterday or this morning. I was tense and fearful, but I did not know why. I said some prayers and intoned God's Most Great name, which calmed me down and cause me to refocus away from the stress and the fear. I still do not know why I was afraid, however, I suspect I was building up to a panic attack.

Natural changes
evolutions of the soul
meditation and prayer.

I have felt tense ever since I moved into this studio apartment. I know that it is a big change from a three bedroom and two bath house. I have one bathroom, one closet, and a small living area composed of a kitchen and living room combined. It is crowded because I have not went through everything I brought with me. I have not went through it because I do not want to make decisions on what I have to get rid of and what I have to keep.

Writing the problem
accepting spontaneous
and natural changes.

I feel as if I can now get on with my life and make the necessary changes in my crowded living area. The less crowded my space the more serene my life will become. Serenity encourages peace and discourages panic attacks. Serenity encourages a positive attitude which helps me make decisions.

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