Monday, August 04, 2014

Meditation Monday: The Rain

Kamál (Perfection), 4 Kamál (Perfection), 171 BE - Monday, August 4, 2014 3:24 pm Pacific Daylight Time

Beautiful raindrops
descend from dark angry clouds
melting desert sand.

As I look out my front door on this rainy Monday, I see light as the sun attempts to break through the charcoal gray clouds. I watch people walk past my door; they are dressed as if they think the rain has stopped for the day. I suspect we will get a few more raindrops before sunset.

Beautiful raindrops
carried to earth by angels
blessing the desert.

The dark gray cloud appear to be angry, but that is an illusion. We associate darkness with human anger, so when it is cloudy we think the charcoal clouds indicate anger. We are putting our human emotion into the clouds when neither the clouds nor nature is angry. Rain is a natural phenomenon, it is a gift from nature to the desert.

Beautiful raindrops
some call them the tears of God
baptizing the Earth.

In the desert rain causes flash flooding, dangerous to anyone stranded in low areas or walking down dry riverbeds. Flash floods are a natural phenomenon we must beware of and try to avoid. On days like this, I think about the homeless who are living in the drainage tunnels that were constructed to prevent flash floods from devastating part of the city. The homeless living in those tunnels are endanger during rainy weather because of the possibility of flash floods.

Beautiful raindrops
both a blessing and a curse
to desert cities.

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