Monday, April 09, 2012

Monday Mumblings: Mom and the temperature in Las Vegas

Kamál (Perfection), 1 Jalál (Glory), 169 BE – Monday, April 9, 2012 about 6:00 PM Pacific Time

Mom enjoyed herself today. I know this because I ask her when she came home around 3:30 PM. I don’t know what they did at the daycare center today because I couldn’t get Mom to say much more then that. In addition, Mom didn’t mention being cold.

It isn’t cold today in Las Vegas, but sometimes Mom gets cold even when it’s hot. I have the thermostat set at 79 degrees in the house. The cool air came on a few minutes ago. I would prefer to leave the thermostat at 79, at least when I’m home, but that depends on how Mom feels. If it turns out that she get cold then I’ll have to turn the thermostat up to 80 or 81 degrees. I don’t like to do that.

I know the power bill is higher when the thermostat is set at 79 instead of 81 degrees, but the lower temperature is more comfortable. Mom has gained weight since she started going to the daycare center, so she weighs more this spring then she did last spring. I suspect her weight had something to do with her being so cold last spring and summer. Perhaps now that she is heavier she won’t get so cold. I’ll just have to wait and see. I’ll also have to watch how much she east this year because I don’t want her getting too fat, which would not be good for her health either.

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