Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tying up loose ends Saturday in Las Vegas

After being out of the house all day on Thursday and half a day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I have several loose ends to tie up. They will not all be tied up today. I will be lucky if I get half of them completed. That is all right, I will accomplish the important things today and the rest will have to wait.

It is a good thing I plan staying home on Saturday because if I was out and running all over town I would accomplish little or nothing. Mom is home all day on Saturday and does not have a P.C.A. coming in to help her or mop her floor. I am sure I will not get the floor in any room mopped today. I have a brand new, unopened bottle of Pine Sol read to use and no time to use it today. At least not until after Mom goes to bed this evening.

This morning I am tired and Mom is in a yoyo mood. So far today, she has been crying and singing, not at the same time. At the moment, she is dozing, I would love to take a nap myself, but that is out of the question. I still have one more load of laundry to wash, clothes to put away, and Mom’s bed to change. After that, I have to figure out my schedule for next week

Now I am sitting in front of the computer and my head wants to fall forward so that I can go to sleep. Therefore, I am posting this and then I will fix Mom and me some lunch. A nice meal should wake me up and if that does not work then I will make another carafe of coffee.

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